Next Community Workshop Meeting on Thurs. September 12 @ 6-8pm at RJO Intermediate

Come join us at R.J.O. Intermediate School, Cafeteria Room, 99 Old Dock Rd, Kings Park, NY 11754

Kings Park will receive $10 million in funding as the Long Island region winners of the seventh round of the Downtown Revitalization Initiative (DRI).


The DRI annually provides a $10 million award to one community in each of the State’s ten Regional Economic Development Council (REDC) regions. Applicants must demonstrate their readiness and capacity to identify and implement a slate of synergistic projects that collectively achieve a community-based vision for the downtown. The REDCs review applications and nominate winners to the DOS for final review and approval.

Announcements & Upcoming Meetings

  • Local Planning Committee Meeting #4

    Thurs. Aug 22
    Kings Park High School, Room 101 200 Rte 25A, Kings Park, NY, 11754

    At the Local Planning Committee (LPC) Meeting #4, the LPC will provide input on the DRI potential projects.

  • Community Workshop / Meeting #2

    Thurs. Sept 12
    6pm - 8pm
    R.J.O. Intermediate School
    99 Old Dock Rd, Kings Park, NY 11754

    At the Community Meeting #2, the public will be introduced to potential projects and will be able to provide feedback.

  • Local Planning Committee Meeting #5

    Thurs. October 10
    Kings Park High School, Room 101 200 Rte 25A, Kings Park, NY, 11754

    At the Local Planning Committee (LPC) Meeting #5, the LPC will provide input on project profiles.

Welcome to Kings Park

Downtown Kings Park is ripe for the New York State Downtown Revitalization Initiative (DRI) investment. Downtown Kings Park is a .09 square mile central business district in the northwestern corner of the Town of Smithtown. The entire downtown is within less than a half-mile radius of the LIRR Kings Park station, which is on the Port Jefferson Line and provides service to job centers such as Stony Brook University and points west to Manhattan (1 hr to Penn Station). Recently completed community visioning and planning studies are supportive of Transit Oriented Development (TOD) in the downtown. Once planned sewering is complete, there is strong potential for mixed use development, including infill development on underutilized parcels, as well as associated improvements to enhance walkability within the downtown and to promote connectivity with nearby parks, greenbelt trails and other community assets.

About the Downtown Revitalization Initiative (DRI)


The Downtown Revitalization Initiative launched in 2016 to accelerate and expand the revitalization of downtowns and neighborhoods in all ten regions of the state to serve as centers of activity and catalysts for investment. Led by the Department of State, the initiative represents an unprecedented and innovative plan-to-act strategy that couples strategic planning with immediate implementation, bringing with it an interagency team of state experts to support local government capacity in realizing their community's vision.

The initiative is headed by New York State Department of State. Communities receive support from private sector experts and a team of state agency staff led by the Department of State in close partnership with Empire State Development, and state Homes and Community Renewal.


Update on Kings Park Planning Processes

Concurrent to NYS' Downtown Revitalization Initiative (DRI) process, the Town of Smithtown is in the final stages of finalizing the Kings Park Master Plan. These two processes are completely separate but similar in the ground they cover. 

A Master Plan is a document that serves as a guide for any future policy, land use decisions, and infrastructure investments. The Kings Park Master Plan is a reference for local officials, both current and future, and the public. It provides recommendations to achieve the community’s goals and objectives.

The Town Board adopted its town-wide Comprehensive Plan in April 2024. The Board is now in the final stages of reviewing the draft Kings Park Downtown Revitalization Master Plan. Both plans are the result of multiple rounds of public outreach. This included public workshops, online questionnaires, public meetings, and other forums. The details of each public outreach process are detailed in both plans.

Both the town-wide Comprehensive Plan and the Kings Park Master Plan are meant to be used as references. They do not mandate or approve any development proposals. The development plans within the Comprehensive Plan and Kings Park Master Plan are purely conceptual. They depict a hypothetical maximum buildout over the next 20-30 years if every site were to be fully developed. These plans are included to help identify any potential environmental and community impacts. In reality, any future development projects, zoning changes, etc. would be subject to their own review by various boards. This includes public hearings, Site Plan Review, building permits, and other local approvals. 

The Downtown Revitalization Initiative is a grant program administered by NYS which builds off of the previous work and planning done by a community. The DRI focuses on a much smaller and targeted area of a downtown than the Master Plan. It seeks to focus on community involvement and planning at the most local level. DRI projects may originate from previous community comprehensive or master plans, however these projects must have the approval of the Local Planning Committee (LPC) and a project sponsor to move forward.

New projects may also apply for funding so long as they meet the DRI project guidelines and follow the goals and objectives outlined by a community's master or comprehensive plan. The LPC reviews proposed DRI Projects and later votes on them as a slate recommended for funding. If approved, all DRI projects must follow local planning, zoning, and other required approvals.

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